Webinar December 12th: Using Google Classroom

Webinar on Google Classroom, December 12, 2019

While this webinar has ended, the full video is available to CCEA members only. To view, log in to your member account and visit the Webinars page here

Topic: Google Classroom for Differentiation in the Classroom

When: Thursday, December 12, 2019, at 4:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Price: Free!

This webinar will go over the basics of creating a Google Classroom and go over the various components of Google Classroom. It will also describe the different features that allow for differentiated instruction for classrooms that have multiple sections, classes, or student needs. This will be focused on teaching in a continuation school and will describe different aspects for Variable, Quarter, or Trimester grading systems.

Please join us!  If you cannot attend, a copy of the webinar presentation will be added to the website for CCEA members.

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