CCEA Plus 2022 Thursday Registration and School VisitAre you doing some amazing things in your classroom or school?

We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to share your ideas and successes with colleagues around California.

Remember, if you have seen one school – you have only seen one school.  As alternative school educators, we are highly creative, dynamic and constantly learning. We need to share our best ideas and experiences with each other.

If you are interested in joining us as a speaker, presenter, or have a seminar in mind for the Conference, please fill out the form below. We are always seeking content area speakers and exemplary programs to share with our attendees.

We recommend submitting your application by a soft deadline April 5th*, though presentation appointments will be confirmed on a rolling basis. Applications submitted after that date will still be considered on a case by case basis. Sending in your applications early helps us plan, but we still encourage your to apply anytime.

* Note: suggested submission date has been extended in 2024 due to the late notice given to Model Schools. 

Sign Up to be a Presenter at the Conference

This conference is eligible for the use of LCAP Funds.

Fields marked * are required.

    Registration Requirement

    We require that all our presenters be registered for the 2025 Conference or as an Exhibitor/Vendor (no exceptions). Please complete your registration to confirm consideration for your time slot. Sign up coming September 2024: Save the Date. Register and pay online before February 1st for a special discount!*

    Point of Contact

    Which pertains to you or your organization? *

    Are you selling a product or service? *

    If you are not a school district employee, you must register here as an exhibitor to be considered. All companies and private consultants are considered vendors.


    We need all participant names and emails to coordinate the Conference.

    Membership Information

    All attendees and participants of the Conference are required to be members of CCEA Plus. Conference registration for both attendees and vendors includes Professional Membership. Become a Member or Renew

    Presentation Information

    Brief Description of Presentation: *
    Please speak to how your presentation will support an alternative high school educational learning environment.

    Target Audience for Presentation: *
    Select all that apply.
    TeachersAdministrationDirectorsCounselingClassified staffSupport staffOther

    If "Other" selected above, enter the audience description here: (optional, if applicable)

    Content Categories for Your Presentation: *
    Select all that apply.
    Instruction in:
    MathEnglishScienceSocial StudiesArtsOther (see below)

    Other Content Categories for Your Presentation (optional, if applicable):
    Select any that apply.
    CTECollege and Career ReadinessLeadershipLCAP/LCFFPLCProfessional DevelopmentInterventionSchool Culture and ClimatePBISRestorative PracticesOther (specified below)

    If "Other" selected above, enter the content category description here: (optional, if applicable)

    Administrative: Leading Implementation of Common Core and Addressing LCAP/LCFF subgroups (Foster, EL and FRPM) *
    Leadership for Common Core InstructionMarketing Your SchoolLCAP / LCFFCollege and Career Readiness

    Guidance / Orientation: Support Programs for Achievement

    Activities: School Climate Enhancement Programs

    Every room will be equipped with a projector and screen. Check with the event coordinator before your presentation to see what other equipment is available or pre-arranged during your slot.

    We Are Looking For Facilitators - Optional Section

    Academic Content Open Forums are planned to occur on Saturday in which teachers in English/Language Art, Mathematics, Science and Social Science can meet with peers from all over the state for an exchange of ideas, methodology, and “things that work” sharing.

    Are you interested in being a facilitator for any of these open sessions? (optional)
    Yes, I am interestedNo, thanks

    Academic Area (optional, if interested):

    Facilitator (optional, if interested):

    Required Checkbox: I understand that all presenters are required to be registered for the Conference as an attendee or a vendor, and be an active member with CCEA Plus. Checking this box is required to enable the "Submit" button.

    Once you submit your form successfully, the point of contact will receive an email reply with info and someone from the planning team will be in touch. We appreciate your time!