Professional Member
$80.00 / year
Join CCEA Plus today!
Professional Membership is designed for the educational employee, certificated or classified, other school staff, and retired educators who support alternative education.
* Get important membership details below.
Professional Members are the driving force behind CCEA Plus and alternative education, including continuation and community day schools. Professional Membership is designed for the educational employee, certificated or classified, other school staff, and retired educators who support alternative education.
Professional members receive:
- Special access to CCEA website members-only content and features.
- Exclusive access to members and the professional community.
- Subscription to the State Newsletter.
- Discount registration for the state conference and other events.
- Participation in CCEA Plus advocacy efforts and direction.
- Regional workshops.
- An opportunity to network with other CCEA Plus members.
- A direct link to a CDE Liaison.
- Mentoring for other continuation educators and administrators.
- And much more — read more about membership benefits.
Subscription details:
The annual membership fee is $80. You may cancel your subscription at any time before your next renewal date by logging in and visiting the “My Account” page to set it to no longer renew. Please note: we do not pro-rate membership; your non-refundable fees go to continuation education advocacy and improving our programs. Billing policy
We have set up membership registration for professionals to be purchased individually. Once you register, you will receive your own username to access the site’s private member area. Each professional member subscription includes one new website account with special access. Contact us with questions or for site support once you subscribe.
We look forward to your participation – join us today!
Update for August 2023: The annual membership rate has been updated as of 8/18/2023 by Board decree. Members with active subscriptions can keep their previous annual price until that subscription is ended. If you are a current member, we encourage you to keep renewing your membership to keep your “grandfathered” rate. To all our members and educators, we thank you for being a part of CCEA Plus!