Before proceeding, please consider online payment instead.  All registrations and purchases can be processed online here. It’s faster and provides you an automatic receipt.

For payments by Purchase Order (PO) and/or Check by mail, we require our online Purchase Order Request Form (see below) to be completed in advance. All offline orders must be processed in advance through this page. Discounted pricing is not available for purchase orders or offline payments.

To submit a purchase order with CCEA Plus, please complete the request form below in advance of your order.  This allows us to properly track and process your P.O.  You will receive the information you need for your paperwork and other instructions via email.

A $50 processing fee will be added to each purchase order submission, Checks by mail and offline payments. Please add this to your paperwork. Additional invoice edits will be provided on a case-by-case basis at an additional $50 per change.

No discounts or member pricing allowed on purchase orders or offline payments.

Registrations and memberships cannot be confirmed or activated until payment is received, and we have each registeree’s name and email address. For the Conference, actual payment is required before the event (best three weeks before the event for badge printing).

For questions, please contact us. We appreciate all your patience and effort in processing the paperwork!

All fields marked * are required.

    Type of Registration or Purchase (select one) *

    If part of the same order, you can add more items and other registrations at the bottom of this form in the "Additional Details" box. Please write out your added items or requests in that box, and be sure to include the relevant names and emails. You do not need to submit more than one PO request form for each order.

    Professional Memberships run for one year (certificated & classified).  School Memberships run for one school year from September 1 to August 31 the following year.

    New or Renewal Order? *
    New OrderRenewal Order

    Contact Information

    Your Office / Contact Office *
    Office requesting the order.

    Contact Phone *
    Primary number to be reached concerning order.

    School District *
    District of the school or staff member.

    District or Office Address *
    Mailing address for main offices or accounts payable.

    School Information

    CCEA Plus Region *
    Find your region map here.

    Name of School *
    School that will be listed in the order, or for the purchasee.

    Mailing Address of School *

    School County *

    School Principal *

    School Phone *

    Order Information

    All registrations can be processed only after payment is received.

    Date of Order Request

    Issue date, or today's date.

    Note: if the calendar / date-picker does not work for you, you may also try this format: 2019-04-28.

    Purchase Order Number (optional, if available)
    If there is a PO # issued, please include here.

    Request / Requestor Number (optional, if available)
    If there is a Req # issued, please include here.

    Vendor Number (optional, if available)

    Check Number (optional, if available)
    If there is a check issued already, please include the number here.

    Expected Payment Method *
    When the order is paid, how will your organization be paying?
    Credit CardCheck

    Expected Payment Time Frame *
    Approximate estimates help us with what to expect!

    Member Information

    Registration Names + Emails *
    List the names of all FTEs, staff members or CCEA member included in the order (one per line). Please include each person's email address.

    Active Account on the CCEA Plus Website? *
    Do you or any of the registerees have an account or login on the CCEA Plus website?
    YesNoNot Sure!

    If so, please enter the email associated with the online account (optional):

    Active CCEA Plus Members? *
    Are any of the included FTEs on the order confirmed members?
    YesNoNot Sure!

    Does School Have an Active CCEA Plus School Membership? *
    YesNoNot Sure!

    For School Membership Registration Only: Select Number of Staff Members

    For Conference Registrations Only: Will your registerees attend the Model School Gala dinner?
    If you are registering staff for the Conference, this question must be answered in order to process the request.

    For Conference Registrations Only: Will your registerees attend the Model School Visit Bus Trip?
    If you are registering multiple people for the Conference, please specify in the last box below who will attend the trip (if any).

    Additional Details (optional)
    Please use this box to add additional items to your order. You can also use this box to include extra details or add more contact info about registrees.

    You will receive an email reply with important information for your purchase order, including payment details, address, contact and more. Submit your form by clicking the button below, and please read the email you get for follow-up details.

    A $50 processing fee is added for each purchase order. Please add this to your paperwork.

    Please note: registrations and memberships cannot be confirmed or activated until actual payment is received (not just an issued PO), and we have each registeree's name and email address. Billing and Refund Policy

    If you do not receive an automatic email reply after you submit your form, please try the following:

    1. Make sure you received a message on the page that your form was sent successfully under the “Submit” button. If not, you may have missed a field and need to resubmit.
    2. Check your “Junk” or “Spam” folder. If you find it there, please mark the email as safe.
    3. Ask your webmaster or mail administrator to whitelist emails from “” as safe.
    4. Try another browser to submit your form.

    Please note: your email system may not allow you to receive form messages. If you received a success message on the page after submitting, you do not need to send again.