California Continuation Education Association Plus (CCEA Plus)
Our organization is designed to:
- Advocate for the betterment of alternative education, including continuation and community day schools;
- Promote the development of quality schools for our students;
- Support and provide professional development for the improvement of instruction that leads to:
- Student achievement of high standards;
- Completion of a high school diploma;
- Effective preparation for work;
- Positive community involvement, and
- A foundation for life-long learning.
Learn more — What is a Continuation School? | What is a Community Day School?
“CCEA Plus is the merged organization of the California Continuation Education Association and the Community Day School Network. [The Annual State Conference] is always a powerful conference with superb presentations and opportunities for very important networking with peers.” – Dan Sackheim, CDE Ambassador
We Develop Quality Through the Promotion of High Standards
CCEA Plus encourages continuation high schools and community day schools to provide students with an effective instructional program that includes individualized instruction and self-paced learning. It is expected that all schools will follow the mandates of the education code to provide smaller classes, self-paced learning, intensified guidance services, and a variety of instructional options and vocational experiences.
The California Department of Education (CDE) recognizes model schools as a means of establishing standards of high quality that can serve as examples to all other continuation schools in the state. There are approximately 70 schools recognized as a Model Continuation High School (MCHS) by the CDE. These schools are located in all parts of the state, represent all sizes of schools, and have a wide variety of programs. CCEA Plus members developed the criteria for the program and have a committee, which screens all applicants each year, visits the candidate schools and then makes recommendations of schools it selects for the recognition to the CDE.
An Exemplary Program and/or Project recognition has been developed by CCEA to provide a statewide resource network of outstanding continuation high school programs that can be replicated. This recognition provides an opportunity for all continuation high schools to reap the benefit of successful programs of all kinds that have been developed in our schools by our members.
Through the efforts of CCEA Plus and its members there has been a significant increase in the number of continuation high schools that have received WASC accreditation so that over one-half of all continuation schools are now accredited.
We believe that continuation and community day schools schools provide an alternative place in which to learn, not an alternative to learning and that our schools are intended to serve all students with educational purpose. We promote the development of programs that focus on student needs rather than institutional needs. #AltEd (Alternative Education)
We Make Professional Resources and Staff Development Available
CCEA Plus has a presence on the Internet through our website at where current information, CCEA history, significant documents and resources, a discussion page, alternative education links and other information are provided. The organization also provides members who become involved in the research and development of information for use in continuation schools. The information includes correct attendance accounting procedures, interpretation of applicable state education codes, association newsletters and other organizational documents. Members of the organization regularly act as mentors for other continuation educators and often are able to provide technical assistance and support to area schools.
Staff development is provided by CCEA Plus to its members through both local and state conferences as well as through other specialized workshops such as the Principals’ Institute. Each year the California Continuation Education Association annual state conference is attended by more than 700 continuation educators who participate in peer-led workshops and information sessions. This event is the primary professional development activity for our teachers, administrators and school support staff.
We Maintain a System of Communication and Advocacy
CCEA Plus on the local level is the most direct way to get information and support from peers. The local CCEA region has educational leaders who are willing to devote time and energy to assist one another when needed and regularly provides staff development opportunities through local conferences and meetings. Local leaders meet to give recognition to outstanding students, exemplary educators and community supporters of our schools and programs. All the local CCEA districts are part of the larger state organization that conducts a state conference annually. The state conference is an enormous peer staff development and professional education event for continuation educators from all parts of California.
The interests of continuation students and educators would be completely overlooked in Sacramento if CCEA was not actively participating in the development and writing of legislation. Effective legislative action is achieved through active participation in the coalition of professional educational organizations and through the services of a professional legislative advocate provided by CCEA Plus. We are the primary leader in providing for equitable funding for our schools, protecting the integrity of our programs, having a “presence” in all areas that affect our schools and students, and in increasing the awareness of others of the needs our students.
We Provide Recognition and Networking For Staff, Students And Schools
CCEA Plus provides a “Teacher of the Year” recognition program that honors teachers at both the local and state level. Model School recognition is a combined CDE and CCEA Plus activity. Students and local community supporters are recognized by local CCEA organizations. Each of the four CCEA regions provide these student recognition through awards and local scholarships. Local CCEA regions also provide for both group and individual competitive activities that all young people need.
We Want Your Involvement and Support
As a professional member of the California Continuation Education Association Plus, you contribute to the on-going efforts of the our collective effort to build futures for students, develop quality programs, provide resources and maintain communication among continuation educators in California. If you are a professional member, please recruit a colleague to join. If you are not able to join as a professional member, please encourage those at your school site to support school membership.
CCEA Plus™ is a California 501(c)(6) Tax Exempt Educational Nonprofit Organization.
California Continuation Education Association Plus™ and CCEA Plus™ are recognized trademarks in active use by the organization online and in practice. All rights reserved.