While this webinar has ended, the full video, presentation slides and access to the collaborative document is available to CCEA members only. To view, log in to your member account and visit the Webinars page here. Read more about DASS below.
Topic: DASS Conversation Virtual Meeting
When: Thursday, Oct 3, 2019, 3:30 – 4:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Price: Free!
Join your fellow continuation school educators for the upcoming DASS Conversation Webinar/Virtual Meeting. Come and meet virtually to reflect on our first year with the DASS. We will discuss what we like, and what needs to be improved, and what has negatively impacted our programs. Please take note of scenarios and narratives of possible negative consequences of how things are calculated. We will mainly be discussing the one-year graduation rate. Read more about DASS below.
The first 100 people to join will be able to participate in the virtual meeting. The meeting will be held from 3:30-4:30 pm on 10/3/2019. A recording of the meeting will be made available on the CCEA website for CCEA members.
To Join the Virtual Meeting
Click on the Link Below:
Password: CCEA
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Meeting ID: 661 212 8187
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/aBExuiaF
You can also join the meeting by going to join.zoom.us and entering in the Meeting ID.
For more information on joining a Zoom meeting, please click here.
What is DASS?
Dashboard Alternative School Status (DASS): In 2013, California’s accountability system significantly changed with the adoption of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). This new accountability system, the California School Dashboard (Dashboard), contains state indicators and standards to help identify a school’s strengths, weaknesses, and areas in need of improvement. The Dashboard Alternative School Status (DASS) program replaces the previously administered Alternative Schools Accountability Model (ASAM) and holds alternative schools and alternative schools of choice accountable for modified methods of measurement for accountability indicators, when appropriate. View One-Page Flyer (PDF)
DASS is for schools that serve high-risk students. DASS Schools received a Dashboard for the first time in Fall 2018. Schools that participate in DASS will have their information displayed on the same Dashboard and be measured on the same set of indicators as non-alternative schools.
Six State Indicators
- Academic Indicator (English Language Arts and Mathematics)
- Chronic Absenteeism Indicator
- College/Career Indicator
- English Learner Progress Indicator (2018 Dashboard data are limited to assessment results)
- Graduation Rate Indicator
- Suspension Rate Indicator
DASS schools will receive one of five color-coded performance levels for each indicator, identical to those given to non-alternative schools. Performance levels range from lowest to highest performance and include red, orange, yellow, green, and blue.
The state indicators and standards were developed for non-alternative schools. In order to fairly evaluate the success and progress of alternative schools that serve high-risk students, modified measures may be used for certain indicators. This means that these indicators may be calculated differently, or use different criteria, for DASS schools.
According to the California Department of Education, DASS is “modified methods of measurement for indicators that are aligned with the evaluation rubrics of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) to evaluate the success or progress of schools that serve high-risk students.”