Message from our CDE Ambassador

CCEA Plus 2022 Friday Breakfast and Keynote Event

Dear Colleagues,

Dan Sackheim, CDE Program Consultant and Liaison for Continuation Education and Community Day SchoolsThe “Plus” in the name California Continuation Education Association Plus refers to all types of educational options schools and programs, including community day schools, opportunity education, alternative schools and programs of choice as well as continuation education. This is a great opportunity for all of you to attend a powerful conference and network with peers, as well as submit an application to be recognized as an exemplary program. I serve as a member of the CCEA Plus Board. Please consider becoming a member, attending the conference, submitting an application to be recognized as an exemplary program, nominating a colleague for an award, submitting a proposal to present a workshop, and involving your students in some of our student recognition opportunities. I look forward to greeting you at the conference.


Dan Sackheim, CDE Ambassador
Education Programs Consultant
Educational Options Office
California Department of Education